Friday, April 10, 2009

A Belated Birthday Post....

first of all, a super duper mega ultra big thank you to all my brothers and church homies for the celebration and the presents
its one of the best i've had yet
i'm 20!!!!
it might be good or bad depending on the way you look at it...
of course looking from cindy and christina's would prolly mean the latter XD
looking at my younger cousins and zubin's brother grow up, i myself am starting to feel old man

and thank you to zu and kenneth for accompanying me to go get me ''new wife'' XD
i'm still currently thinking of a name for her so dont be puzzled when i start asking you for your favourite female names
if you're still clueless, its a guitar
yeah, thinking of all my favourite guitarists and when i held my first one in my own hands...
it kinda felt a little unreal
and the road to their level's not gonna be as easy as i thought after i saw how kenneth tried out the guitars today..
oh i forgot to mention, kenneth's an old time friend of mine when we met back in primary school...
P1 i remember, we were in the same class till P4 then we ended in the same school in secondary school
but not the same class...until sec 3 and sec 4 then we ended up going to the same poly
that guy bought his first electric guitar at P4 and has been playing since (now he has 4 guitars, including acoustic ones too i think)
during our sec school days, he was called the guitar god among us
any problems you have with your guitars, acoustic or electric...he's the man to go to

anyway he asked me who was my favourite guitarist so i decided to might as well do a post on it
yeah man, the one who really inspired me was uh....lets see
Carlos Santana
this dude is old man but he's one of the best in the business
he started out when he was a teenager too i think and went through the hippy age
the good ol' crazy days when drugs were an everyday thing and alcohol was cheap like water XD
this was how he looked like in his 20s i think
most people say his best songs were 'europa' (a full instrumental track) and 'smooth' ( a collarboration with rob thomas)
but i still think 'i'm feeling you' (a collarboration with michelle branch) and 'into the night' (yet another collarboration with chad kroeger) are the best, you should see the mv on youtube
they are my favourite tracks too, never fails to make me smile...for whatever reason
anyway me do hope to play like him one day =)

well thats all i've got, thanks again homies!!! =D

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