Tuesday, April 7, 2009


i just got back from watching DMC which stands for Detroit Metal City with the guys
if you guessed it had something to do with music, you got it
its a japanese film about a guy chasing his dreams to be musician
like any japanese film or anime, there's a lot of exaggeration in the plots
but its more of comedy so its alright :)
we were laughing so hard at almost every part of the movie
there are some parts that are vulgar to some extent
but i'd still recommend it to anyone who has time on their hands
alright next movies up, handsome suit and fast and furious 4 (oh yeah!!! finally!)

good news!!
my mom's sponsoring my new guitar for a birthday present!!!
like i told josh, no worries
this time its a real guitar, not the one from guitar hero XD
(speaking of guitar hero,
the guys are comin over on wed to play the guitar hero:metallica i just got today
i just hope no hell breaks loose with 5-7 people jammin on one single guitar in a room
heck, i hope nothing breaks at all)
but i still gotta pay for the amp myself *smack forehead*
its been a week since i applied for that job at IRAS but i still havent got any replies...
i need a financial breakthrough GOD!!!!!

and malcolm if you're reading,
about what we were talking about
yesh yesh i know you're concerned,
or maybe just plain kpo (which i hope not :P)
anyway, i do appreciate the concern
i will tell you as soon as i have one in mind
as for now, things have been a little crazy around me
and like i told you its no big deal
i talked to cindy about it so you can go ask her if you really really cannot tahan like what you said XD

strap up and get ready to ride the lighting this saturday homies!!!

and while she looks so sad in photographs, i absolutely love her when she smiles =D

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