Monday, March 16, 2009

Dance Your Heart Out

whoa its been a super long day...
i left the house at 9:30am and i just got back
i feel uber i'll keep this short

today the church groupies went to sentosa to have some fun playing games :)
the beautiful sand, the rushing waves and the bright sun
we played captain's ball and volley ball there at siloso beach
couldnt play volley ball for nuts so i only played captain's ball
...but it didnt turn out as i expected
my cg was PAWNED!!!! XD
6 to 1 with the only goal scoring only like in the last 2 mins of the game
boy, were we lucky hehe

after that josh, sarah and i headed down to christina's concert at the NLB
my oh my, almost 2 hours of dance performances of different genre
and i'm surprised i didnt fall asleep considering how tired i was...
that silly gal christina's performance was super nice :)
in fact, it was one of the best among the rest
you did well gal, keep up the good work!!!! :)
and she finally got carried by a guy in front of all of us XD
overall i must say it was interesting although some of the groups and the performance coordinators could use some improvement
i also got to meet amanda and siti for the first time!!
now these two gals are a funny bunch alright XD
with chris and felicia too
i must admit the way i met the two of them was a little...weird
for chris was...he saw me at the audience after their performance
he instantly recognized me and came over, 'you must be sammy,i'm chris'
i never even met him in mah life!!
i was still blur like a sotong wondering who was this guy until he said his name while we were shaking hands
then for felicia,
after christina intro her to me
her first words were 'ahh so you're sammy, i know a lot about you'
good Lord!!! like chris, i never met her in mah life as well
obviously christina must have did some introduction about me to both of em....
which i hope didnt include my bad points XD
they really are a nice buncha people and i think it 'd be nice to just sit down and get to know em one day
although it does seem a little impossible with all their busy schedules at school...

there was something that really touched me yesterday
there were things going on here and there and life has been crazy
after service, josh suddenly asked me 'are you ok?'
yes there were things goin on and well....lets just say i was a little down but i definitely didnt show it
in fact i tried to hide it a lot
but yeah what touched me was even beneath the smile on my face, and the all laughing
he could tell something was really wrong
its not easy to do that unless you really understand your friends well
which i admit i can only do that for a few people which i spent years...maybe even a decade with
it really showed how much attention he paid when it came to observing others...or me in this case
then came sitong who asked me the same thing...i guess maybe it was really starting to show
even elyn sms-ed me about the same thing when she was in expo and me in jurong west
damn, thats some woman's intuition she's got XD
i really thank you for all the concern you guys showered on me
and not to worry i'll talk to you guys if there's anything :)
most of all, i thank God for friends like you!!!

i'll still praise the God who gives and takes away

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