Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You Always Believed

i'm so sorry for not updating these past few days
well...partly cause there wasnt much to talk about
quite a number of 21st birthdays this month
plus with all the going out and buying of stuff, i'm flat out broke
apart from the supposedly weekly gymming sessions with josh...
which have become fortnightly XD
i stayed home nowadays either being a bookworm or a gamer
usually more of the latter =P
the book cindy lent me is super interesting
it has taught me a lot of new things...actually more of redefined my train of thoughts
i can do more of lending books like these from her in the future
hahahahaha the joy of reading and learning new things when you dont have to spend a single cent!!! XD

it wasnt supposed to go this way
its not even a week and here i am struggling with it
i felt it wasnt fair to you if i kept going on with no progress
maybe i really wasnt suited for this in the first place
i'm so sorry i had to put such an abrupt end to it like this and i hope i didnt leave you with a poor impression
i do feel very bad about it
but i must thank you very much for the opportunity you gave me even though we were complete strangers :)

you held me through it all and you never let me fall :)

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